| Cosmonaut's Bling!
Under the banner of Lenin - to the stars! |
 | Japan Robot Restaurant: Totally Over-the-Top!
Probably the craziest restaurant in the entire world |
Magnificent Fractals (DRB Series)
Probably the Most Spectacular Collection of Fractals on the Web |
 | Amazing Optical Illusions (DRB Series)
Extensive collection of visual puzzles and treats |
 | "Music For... What?" Weird Album Covers
Music for Vacuuming, and much much more! |
 | The Creepiest Mannequins
Serious Halloween Scares and Frights |
 | Extremely Weird Bus Stops & Shelters
Wildly bizarre bus stop "creations" |
 | Topological Marvel: The Klein Bottle in Art
Impossible shape with no distinct "inside" or "outside" |
 | The Lady Vanishes
Stealing the Most Famous Painting in the World |
 | Strange Deep-Sea Diving Suits
Under Pressure... and Enjoying It |
 | Fictional Currency & Imaginary Money
Money that’s literally out of this world |
 | Strange Eye Exam Charts
Offbeat Optometry: Testing, Testing... |
 | Unique Wedding Rings & Engraving Ideas
From Valentine's Day to Wedding Day: Love Messages |
 | Peculiar Postage: Unusual Stamps from Around the World, Part Two
Stamps with embedded volcanic ash, sand from Sahara dunes... |
 | Unusual and Fascinating Coins & Currency, Part 2
Coins with pieces of the Moon in them! |
 | Unintentional Faces in Objects, Part 2
There are some "things" in your house... |
 | Upside Down & Other Weird Houses
"- And He Built a Crooked House -" |
 | Extraordinary Inventions: Victorian-Era Prank Machines
Electric shocks and mechanical goats fun |
 | Hilarious Prank Letters to Corporations
"I am a lover of all things clarinettal..." |
 | Weird Vintage Ads: Outrageous!
Disclaimer: we have nothing to do with this. |
 | Carnivorous Plants: Hungry & Gorgeous
Passive-Aggressive, Green & Alluring |
 | The Weird & Colorful World of Fungi
Mushrooms: A Rainbow of Oddness |
Vintage Bibliomysteries: Books Can Be Fatal!
Books, Bookstores and Libraries That Are Out to Get You |
The Man in the Iron Mask
Strangest way to receive tons of marriage offers |
Phantasmagorical Coney Island: City of Fire
Fantastic Amusement Parks from History |
 | The Great Sperm Race: The Most Extreme Race on Earth
Scaling it up to the size of real human beings... |
Robotic Crash Test Dummies as Art
Haunting, violent installations... |
Bad, Twisted & Bizarre Toys
Your kid may still like them, but... |
 | Weird Festivals & Strange Celebrations
Some just a bit bonkers, some totally nuts |
 | Female Androids' Shapes & Anatomy
Alluring steel-plated companions |
 | Praise to a Common Duck: Airborne Super Creatures
At a cruising altitude of a jet, in a deadly cold and no air... |
 | Mysterious Non-Egyptians Pyramids
James Gaussman and the Jewelled Pyramid of China |
 | The Eccentric Brilliance of Stan Mott
The craziest vehicle ideas you ever likely to see |
 | Postage Stamps From the Future
...and some alternative realities |
 | Spring Cleaning of the Mind: Surreal Art Update
Visual kick included |
 | World's Strangest Theme Parks
Is it really your fault that you're not amused any more? |
 | Don't Know Much About...
Awesome Tidbits of Information! |
 | Office Geekgasm via USB
Cubicle Ambiance Enhanced and Boss Penetration Reduced |
 | Creative Food Manipulation
Start playing with your food and drive your roommates insane |
 | Wicked Wearable Sculptures
Halloween costumes gone deliciously wrong |
 | Dolls and Toys That Creep us Out
The Doll Purgatory |
 | Strange Knits & Yarn Monsters
When Art and Knitting Needles Collide |
 | The Most Alien-looking Place on Earth
Socotra Island: you have to see it to believe it! |
 | Most Ridiculous Things to Do with Superheroes
Superheroes vs. The Evil Marketing Masterminds |
 | They Bite! - Ugly Bug Faces
Bug Crime Overlords gallery |
 | Three Tips for Hacking Reality
Where linear formulas and rigid thinking almost never apply |
 | The Weirdest Examples of Mass Hysteria
Laughter Epidemic, Monster Specters, etc. |
 | The Exploding Lake
And other weird natural detonations |
 | Unexpected Creativity
(found in unusual places)
Wild designs lurking in everyday world |
 | Geoducks Are Strange
Nothing can prepare you for seeing them for the first time |
 | Weird Use of Laptops
When simple computing is not enough |
 | World's Weirdest Gadgets
Eccentric devices that will blow your mind. |
 | Nightmare Playgrounds, Part 2
Manic-Depressive Creativity |
 | Are You... You?
The Wonderful World of Parasites |
 | Commercialized Clouds
Lucy in the Sky with Logotypes |
 | Deadliest Creatures (that are Easiest to Miss)
Real terror lurks in quiet darkness |
 | Strangest Christian Products & Signs
Repent! the end of good taste is in sight! |
 | Surreal Art Update
Landscapes of the Soul, Amplified |
 | Radical Mannequins
Their Love, Revolt & Ultimate Decay |
 | The New Motor, or
The Steam-Powered Messiah
A locomotive "god" from the Victorian times |
 | World's Most Curious Ephemera
Exploring the world of the old paper |
 | The Plain of Jars:
Bombs & Mystery in Laos
Enigmatic stone jars of a deeply spooky nature |
 | The Machine-Animals of Nantes
Mechanical Elephants Forever |
 | Slightly Suicidal: Gadgets
These guns will make you wonder... |
 | Modernist Art in Camouflage
Naval fleets as the largest painting canvases in the world. |
 | Man vs. Wild
Outrageous Survival Techniques |
 | Strange Food Special
Taste the weirdness...or not. |
 | The Art of Grotesque
Things that do more than just go "bump" in the night |
 | South Korean Subway
Goes Extreme
Halloween Reigns Underground |
 | Stationery with Bite
Pimp your office the right way |
 | Awesome Tank Modification
This church means business |
 | World's Strangest Vehicles, Part 3
Unbelievable Cars & Bikes.. sort of |
 | Fascinating Worlds
of Jacek Yerka
and other surreal art, which blows our mind |
 | Exclusive:
Interview with Jeff VanderMeer
A Triumph of the Bizarre... and the Rise of Squidpunk |
 | Continuous Line Art
One line to link them all... |
 | The Richat Structure: The Eye of the Earth
Spectacular & Puzzling Formation |
 | September 11 Premonitions
Uncanny pre-2001 coincidences |
 | Unusual Musical Instruments
Spoil your inner "music geek" |
 | Balancing the Forces, Part 2
Interesting examples of equilibrium |
 | 10 Ways to Cure Your Fear of Heights
or, What can be done on top of a skyscraper? |
 | Tank Bling!
Hummer owners, read it and weep |
 | Automated Musical Instruments
Music Robots: No Performer Necessary |
 | The Biochemical "Oops" List
Welcome to Weirdsville: "I don't feel so good..." |
 | The Thermonuclear
"Oops" List
Good Night... and Good Luck to us all |
 | People as Pixels in Monumental Art
Living people in mass photography |
 | Creepy High Voltage Installations
Close Encounters of the "Tesla" Kind |
 | Not Your Ordinary Plants
The cutest baby... vegetable |
 | Cyberpunk Art Update
Fashion with teeth, shoes with spikes |
 | Monsters on Display
Night in the Museum: Weird Galleries and Fossils |
 | How to Wash Airplanes?
and how not to wash them... |
 | Cthulhu Live and Prosper
H. P. Lovecraft's "little monsters" |
 | Surreal & Spectacular Art of V. Kush
Dream-like, glowing landscapes |
 | Airplane House & Boat Conversions
"I'm living in a jet plane"
 | Weirdest Music Scores
 | Strangest Plant on Earth
 | VW Bus Ball - and other "Rolling Art"
 | WWII Nazi' Tank Manuals
 | Anti-U.S. Posters from North Korea
 | Reader's Kama Sutra, etc. (funny)
 | Cat Owner's Tips & Tricks
 | Santa's High-Speed Sled
 | One Seriously Empowered Scooter
 | Music Machine Hoax
 | Weird Inventions of Henry Winstanley
 | What "The Beatles" did not know when they started
All of your posts that I've seen so far are fascinating. I'm at a loss to guess how you find these excellent photo groups. Keep up the good work.
The pictures are unusual, crazy and interestint !
Gorgeous pick ! But where is Part 1 ?
Part 1 of what? We have many series, pick what you like :)
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